Since 10 years A.T started works in repairing and maintenance field of distribution transformers under the name of ( Almoasasa Almsria for transformation of Electricity ).
This job covered the distribution transformers ratings up to 5000 KVA ( for both local and imported products ) ,
So our team work got high experience in all process related to the distribution transformers production.
Depending on the high experience of our technical team formed by our company we started the production of distribution transformers.
Our production plan will be through two stages.
First stage from 50 : 2000 KVA with voltage system up to 24 KV.
Second stage up to 5000 KVA with voltage system up 24kv.
√ VISION: To be besides of our customers, find logical solutions for demands and make them.
Satisfy by conduct our affairs with ʹhonestyʹ and ʹintegrityʹ .
√ MISSION: The most important mission for us growing up to export markets and be a world.
Company to achieve this, our activities place particular emphasis on newest ecofrienly.
Technology, main standards, expertness, safety, product quality and delivery performance.
Company’s profile: [downloadable link]