Our Products


1. Oil Level Indicator : In transformers wİth an expansİon tank open to atmosphere, the magnet cally functioning oil level indicators are used in order to track and check oil level in expansion tank. Magnetic oil level indicators can have single or double electrical contact. Contact oil level indicators inform the unexpected sudden changes in oil level in form of warning and opening signals. If required, prismatic oil level gauges can also be applied.

2. Dehumidifier : It is used in transforms with an expansion tank open to atmosphere, and mounted on expansion tank. By means of silica gel within, it absorbs the moisture and dust in the air, and enhances the operating safety of transformer. Silica gel amount varies depending on the oil amount within transformer.

3.Oil Temperature Indicator : It is possible to track and check transformer oil upper temperature by means of thermometers placed in thermometer pockets on the cover or lateral surfaces of tank. Thermometers of none, single or double electrical contact with maximum indicator can be applied. Contact thermometers issue warning and opening signals in case the heat in transformer exceeds the stipulated values.

4.Buchholz : Gas Collecting and Warning Relay This relay collects the gases formed by low and high density discharges and arcs to occur within transformer. Relays can be of single or double contact. Warning and opening signals can be obtained depending on the amount of gas collected in relay. Thus, it ensures that the defect within transformer is noticed prior to any major damage. Besides, in case the oil level decreases, due to any reason, so as not to fill completely the relay, the latter informs such situation via warning signal.

5.Hermetic Protective Relay : It is used in hermetic transformers totally closed to atmosphere. It is applied in transformers with a power equal or above 630 KVA. It is a single relay that includes oil level indicator, temperature indicator , Buchholz relay, as well as extra pressure relay.

6.Winding Temperature Thermometer : It is used in power transformers. It gives the temperature to occur on windings according to current temperature relation depending on the current passing on windings. It issues alarm or opening signal depending on the prescribed temperature value.